The power of story-telling
Now You Don’t Have to Part II
This year during my “pilgrimage ” to Europe , I decided to visit 2 places as a follow-up to my above article. The first one is the real Colmar, after…
It was a perfect day for the Highlands
It was indeed a perfect day for a holiday on the Highlands and I mean any highlands. In Malaysia there is the Genting Highlands for the theme park and casino,…
Kuala Lumpur , Kuala Lumpur
I have always love KUALA LUMPUR. When I was growing up , there was even a song dedicated to this capital of Malaysia – “Kuala Lumpur , Kuala Lumpur ”…
One Night in Beijing
If you only have one night in Beijing , go to the JINGSHAN before 8pm to have a good view of the magnificent Forbidden city . The JINGSHAN park closes…
August in Munich
Looking forward to August where I will be in Munich, Germany for a week or so. When Munich comes to mind, Marienplatz would not be far away from the heart.…
Better Safe Than Sorry
You know what , in the course of my career I have done a number of business trip . Many are interesting, some are exciting and occasionally some are going…
The Historical City
For the 2018 March school holidays, we took the opportunity to make a trip back to Melaka , the Historical City where it all began . As we had always…
You Do Not Have To
武吉丁宜 (Bukit Tinggi)属于彭亨州其中一个高原,虽然不比金马伦及云顶来得寒冷,但凉爽的气侯绝对是一个度假休闲的好去处。 犹记得第一次踏进这个地方是2008年,当时女儿只有一岁半,还在牙牙学语的阶段。阔别十年,再次回到此地,不同的是此行程多了双胞胎儿子,而女儿也已经十一岁了。 十年,一段漫长的日子,许多人,事,物都改变了。唯一不变的是这里的大自然,依旧保留着原始的美。那是一件多么令人感到欣慰的事呀!特别喜欢这里的气侯及大自然的景色,可以让人尽情的放松心情,暂别都市的喧闹。 但愿下一个十年,有机会再重游这个美丽又宁静的小地方,更希望一切都保留原状。大自然始终是最美,最值得珍惜的 We took the opportunity this time round to visit the Colmar Tropical on our back home from Cameron Highlands after the Chinese New Year…
Ocean Dreamers August 2015
Last Friday, me and my family went to Sentosa Singapore Aquarium. There are many pretty fishes like clown fish, trigger fish, sharks, stingrays, manta rays, seahorses, giant spider crabs, dolphins,…