DESARU , A short trip

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We love DESARU . It is now a convenient 1 and half hour max drive from Johor Bharu via the SENAI-DESARU Expressway.  A good short stay over trip or same day excursion during the Movement Control Order(MCO) . Recently we can travel between district but not between states and it is a good choice if you want the sea, sun , sand and waves.

A stay in WESTIN DESARU Resort , overlooking the South China Sea with a good view of the sea after months of staying at home when we were only allowed to go out for groceries shopping , takeaway food and other necessities.

DESARU is known for its seafood , after we come back from a sumptuous dinner, we had a nice surprise at night with the beautiful full bright moon from the balcony.

DESARU was famous many years ago , I think in the 80 and 90s especially with Singapore visitors before its popularity plummeted due to many reasons i.e. lack of attraction, connectivity etc. But today the government is trying to revive it with the world recognized international brand hotels the likes of WESTIN, HARD ROCK, ANANTARA and luxury hotel like ONE AND ONLY, a water theme park , an expressway and PENGERANG PETROCHEMICAL INTEGRATED COMPLEX by PETRONAS. How much it has come.

What we love to do at the beach – build sand castles, play in the waves , catch boomerang and this time we fly a kite at the beach . It was very fun because the strong wind help to fly the kite high.

The last night we chill at HARD ROCK Hotel and call it a day early as we will be checking out the next day and head to the Adventure Waterpark DESARU Coast. During the MCO entry ticket is only MYR50 per person for the young, the middle aged and the old. Try it out . Its great fun.

HISTORY LESSON – Desaru is located south-east in JOHOR state. Do you know that the JOHOR Sultanate has its roots to Melaka Sultanate.

Raja Ali, the eldest prince of Sultan Mahmud of MELAKA – the last Sultan after the invasion of Portuguese, established the Sultanate of Johor (Old Johor Sultanate). Years later , the last sultan from the Malaccan dynasty, Sultan Mahmud Shah II, succeeded but was a person of unstable disposition. The Sultan ordered the pregnant wife of a noble, Orang Kaya Megat Sri Rama killed, as she had taken a slice of the royal jack fruit. Subsequently, the Sultan was killed by Megat Sri Rama in revenge.  Sultan Mahmud II had died in 1699 without an heir.

With the assassination of the ruling king of the Old Johor Sultanate, Sultan Mahmud II, by Admiral Megat Seri Rama in 1699, ended the rule of the heirs of the Malay Sultanate of Melaka in the Malay states except in Perak.

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